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About Me & Chips: A Haiku. I live to have the/ Chips with crunchy salt goodness/ I'll never eat less

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Year Of The Chip

2010 was a great chip year.  We got our hands on the Doritos Late Night All Nighter Cheeseburger and Jalapeno Popper, and I personally ate more Sour Cream ' n ' Bacon chips than I did in 2009.  But moving forward, I feel the need to make some resolutions.

Because I don't want 2011 to suck, I'm only going to make resolutions that will make me a better person.  No 'going to the gym 3x a week' or 'substituting beer for vodka,' that only makes a boring person.

I'm talking about life changes that are easily attainable and involve more: drinking, sleeping, playing or eating chips.

First off, I want to support alt chip varieties.  Yes, I love Doritos and Ruffles, and that will never change.  But what about all the indie chip companies out there?  I prefer drinking craft beers, buying no name toilet paper and rummaging through Value Village, so it only seems natural to transition into the world of indie chips. 

Second, I want to incorporate chips into my daily lifestyle.  Though my chip consuming habits are quite regular, I want to elevate our relationship.  I want chips to be the milk to my cereal, the parmesan to my pasta.  This means really delving into cooking with chips and thinking about chips as more than just a casual snack food.

I also want to cut the roof of my mouth less when I'm eating Doritos.  I think this means that I have to practice a bit of restraint and somehow slow down the rate of immediate consumption.  This one is tricky, especially when eating in groups, as protective instincts and fear of overzealous snackers stealing all the good bites tend to kick in.  Nonetheless, in 2011 I'm going to try to smooth out my palate and ease the rate of Doritos intake.

Lastly, I want to help the people around me realize and revel in their love for chips.  Sure it sounds  easy, who doesn't love chips right?  But the real challenge is encouraging open, unashamed love.  I want to eliminate that little voice that makes you think you want Mike'n'Ikes or a Big Turk at the convenience store. I'm calling for a total chip takeover.

There it is, 2011.  Year of the chip. Popping open upside-down like a bag of Cheezies that you sat on in the lunch room in grade 5. I can't wait to eat all the orange cheese coating from my fingers and start off the new year with amazing chip aspirations.

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