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About Me & Chips: A Haiku. I live to have the/ Chips with crunchy salt goodness/ I'll never eat less

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


In keeping with this mornings news, I thought I'd weigh in on the great compostable Sun Chip bag debate. Basically, Sun Chips are now being made in 100% compostable bags.  Sounds good?  Actually, it seems the sound may in fact be the downfall of this eco-chip innovation. 

I almost picked up a bag of Sun Chips last week.  It was a flavour I hadn't seen before, think it was "aged white cheddar" or something.  When I went to grab the bag, the noise was actually a turn off and I abandoned the initially appealing old cheesy chips for some classic tasting (and sounding) Sour Cream & Onion. 

Truth: I did feel instantly guilty for ditching the Sun Chips based on sound factor alone.  I have always imagined myself to be a leftist chip consumer, but here I was opting for the quiet, conservative chip that would silently sit in the landfill when I was done snacking. 

With vegetarian, local organic and 100 mile diets on trend, it seems that an eco-friendly Sun Chip should be an instant hit.  What's the real problem here?

Although I buy chips on the regular (understatement), I do not always feel comfortable wearing my chips on my sleeve.  Safe to say, the alarm that sounds when you grab for the new Sun Chips can be an over-share.  I am the first to profess my love for chips, it's just not always something I announce at the store amidst new-age yoga couples shopping for organic quinoa burgers. 

Everyone should help out the environment whenever possible and a compostable chip bag would cut out a huge portion of my daily waste.  But, Sun Chips are already the healthy, bran cereal of chips, do they really need to be compostable too? 

Maybe the best part about eating chips is knowing how unhealthy and delicious they are.  Maybe it makes me feel sorry for myself to compost a bag while I know that I am pounding saturated fats into my body. Maybe chips are so intrinsically good that there is no way to make them better so we should all just eat lots and lots of chips and not worry about inventing new chip ideas that mess up our delicious long-standing beliefs.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Yum Please

When Apple released it's newest trend of the future, I was ready to be impressed.  Unfortunately, I was left feeling just a little grossed out.  I Pad.  Seriously?  Has anyone over there ever heard of menstruation?

Luckily, Doritos has one-upped the bloody mess of the I Pad, presenting the Doritos Tablet.  Tell me that doesn't sound like the future?!


They say that chip technology doubles every two years. Doritos has disproven that limitation.  

Multi-taste-interface. Spice 2.0.  I'm ready.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Spicy Crunchy Dorito Roll

I was having a bag of Spicy Doritos for dinner last night when I was interrupted by a take-out sushi order.  Here's the problem: I love Doritos for dinner - but I like sushi too. 

Being the chip sleuth that I am, this enigma was fairly easy, not to mention delicious, to solve.  The answer was simple - Spicy Crunchy Dorito Roll.  It's basically just as it sounds, sushi and Doritos finally married into the perfect dinner concoction. 

I'm posting the recipe just in case you find yourself in a similar situation.  Be forewarned, it's really delicious and you may blow your friends minds when they see you break out this chip inspired sushi roll.

Spicy Doritos ........................ 1 Bag
Chopsticks ............................ A Set
Seaweed Salad ...................... 1 Order
Pickled Ginger ...................... 1 TBSP
Soy Sauce ............................. 1/4 Cup
Wasabi .................................. To Taste

Lay out a bunch of Spicy Doritos.  I like to use different shaped chips to give the dish a real artistic edge.  Next, carefully spread a generous layer of wasabi on your chip base.  Using chopsticks, pinch up a bite sized portion of your seaweed salad and dip into soy sauce.  The soy sauce should really help bond the seaweed and Dorito together, but be careful that you don't absorb too much sauce here, or you will turn your chip soggy.   Top with a sprig of pickled ginger. 

I'm no Iron Chef,  but I'm pretty sure that this is going to change Japan 4EVR.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Think You Love Chips?

Tell me you love chips and I will ask you what you were for Halloween.  And unless you can say that you dressed up as a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos complete with cool sunglasses, or something equally as chip-inspired, then I call your bluff.

* Please note, this costume was hand-crafted and Cool Ranch Doritos were indeed served from the depths of this oversized bag.