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About Me & Chips: A Haiku. I live to have the/ Chips with crunchy salt goodness/ I'll never eat less

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wish List

It is with heavy heart that I embark on this blog post as I am currently in the midst of a 12 day cleanse. No, it's not a chip only cleanse.  It's pretty much the opposite.

So, in the name of therapy or some kind of darker masochistic purpose, here is a list of all the things I wish I could eat right now:

rootbeer nacho doritios  hickory sticks bits n bites meatball sandwiches cheesey bread sticks hot lips regular ruffles cheese puffs onion rings poutine walnut cakes nerds those licorice cables with white sugar
in the middle swiss cheese ringalso  pecorion spaghetti ravioli ricotta red wine whiskey double thick
cheddar ruffles smarftood sweet n salty munchie mix boiled hotdogs with new england-style buns
pretzels sun chips jube jubes jelly beans sour patch kids skittles zero chocolate bar onion rings
n' ketchup doritos mint aero candy corn butter fingers pretzel m&m tootsie rolls hershey
kisses winegums licorice allsorts red velvet cupcakes cheese curds york peppermint
paddies cheese strings bagel  chips duggans 9 grilled cheese with processed kraft
singles cool ranch doritos chocolate milk cappuccinos strawberry jam sour
cream n bacon ruffles peanut m&m  croissants gravyrhubarb pie soy
sauce crispy crunch jolly ranchers  sweettarts poopeye cigarettes
frozen yogurt with gummie bears peanut butter
cookies macaroons  bacon stuffing pop
rocks bubble tape oatmeal stout
wasabi peas tostitos with
melty cheese and

1 comment:

  1. This makes me sad in my heart, but also excited for eating pogos and drinking beer at Black Dice.
